Thursday, April 12, 2012


Today, I helped a young man out, we can call him Nicholas. I took up almost my entire hour and half helping out Nicholas. Why? Well, what started off as a productive string of addition problems turned into just glancing and guessing at word problems. An example would be, Which number has the greatest value? (24,27,32) Nicholas would just look at the problem and guess whichever number looked good to him. And every time, his guess was wrong. This upset me. Why was he just guessing? I mean, he wasn't even looking at the problem. Then I thought, he must not be getting help anywhere else. This made me slightly sad. I can't imagine what it would have been like to not get any help whatsoever. It must have been frustrating for him. So, after this occurred to me, I set aside my own frustration and helped him through his entire assignment. I hope that someone helps him out after I'm gone.

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