Thursday, April 19, 2012

The End!

I came, I saw, I conquered. Actually, the end of my service learning wasn't that dramatic, but it did leave me quite sad. On my last day at Whitney, I probably did the most work I've done the entire time I was there. I helped at least 4 kids and for the first time, I already knew or learned their names. Now if I saw them, I could put names to faces. Why am I sad? Because that was my last day, so I wouldn't be able to put myself to that test. You can tell that this experience was a good one when I, the laziest person in the world, wish I could still participate. Whitney taught me so much and working there definitely humbled me. Some of the kids had such great personalities and I would have loved to see what they could do in life. All I can do is wish them all the best and hope that what I did these past few weeks could help them, even just a little bit, become successful.

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