Friday, March 9, 2012


There's this little girl, we'll say her name is Sally, she comes almost every time I'm there. Lunch Buddies is made for kids who don't finish their homework and also serves as a detention for kids who don't make the right decisions. But this girl, she comes in and makes little crafts for her family. As I talked to her, she told me about how whatever she was making was for a member of her family. She made a nice house, made out of construction paper, for her brother. She also made a card for her mom made out of hearts cut out of paper. Sally truly loves her family. So much that she sacrifices her lunch-time recess to make things for them. I know that most kids wouldn't ever do that. Recess is the greatest thing in the world. She is such a sweet girl and I'm glad I had the opportunity to talk to her and help her out with her projects.

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